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Crystal Collins Spencer, the founder of Crystal Collins Spencer Attorney at Law, has over 38 years of courtroom experience in Florida and throughout the United States. She is very dedicated to her clients and has proven to be an aggressive and respected attorney.
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Dealing with Cryptocurrency During a Divorce
/by Crystal Collins Spencer, Attorney at LawA Florida couple can expect that their assets will be divided during a divorce. The guideline in Florida is a fair and equitable division, unlike other states where community property means everything is divided in half to distribute to each spouse. In our changing technological world, a question needs to be addressed – what is […]
How Inheritances Impact Alimony Payments
/by Crystal Collins Spencer, Attorney at LawInherited wealth is usually given to one individual with the intention that it stays with that individual. This can be accomplished through a prenuptial agreement or a family trust, keeping the inherited monies out of a joint account and, therefore, away from the soon-to-be ex-spouse. If a divorcing couple has assets or is expected an […]
How Are Digital Assets Divided During a Florida Divorce?
/by Crystal Collins Spencer, Attorney at LawA divorce means dividing homes, dividing lives, and dividing assets. We all understand things of value, including real estate, bank accounts, property, cars, art, pensions, and investment funds. But as the world has gone online, there is a full array of valuables you may not have considered. They are digital assets, but they may have […]
Does Child Support Cover Your Kid’s Extracurricular Activities?
/by Crystal Collins Spencer, Attorney at LawRaising children is expensive enough considering the cost of food and housing. On top of that, extracurricular activities for children seem to grow as the kids do. Sports fees, music, and dance lessons, band, equipment, travel on the weekend to competitions, horseback riding, scouts, it all adds up. How does Florida view these activities in […]
How Mediation Differs from Litigation During a Florida Divorce
/by Crystal Collins Spencer, Attorney at LawMediation is an alternative to a trial that is often used for a more peaceable dissolution of a marriage. Mediation may not be appropriate for every case, but if it works for your situation, it can be a way to negotiate your issues and concerns with the help of a neutral third party to resolve […]
Are Mothers More Likely to Get Child Custody During a Florida Divorce?
/by Crystal Collins Spencer, Attorney at LawThe laws in Florida have changed in recent years concerning divorce and custody of children. Traditionally, Florida family courts relied on the “tender years” doctrine that favored the mother in considering child custody. It was assumed the mother was better to fill the role as the primary caregiver during a child’s early years, that is, […]
How Do I Divorce My Military Spouse Who is Stationed Overseas?
/by Crystal Collins Spencer, Attorney at LawDivorce is always a difficult decision for a couple, but it is compounded when one is serving in the military, especially if they are overseas. You will have to navigate several different areas, including the division of the retirement benefits, jurisdiction, child custody and support, and health benefits. Crystal Collins Spencer has more than three […]
Prenuptial Agreements for Lower & Middle Income Couples
/by Crystal Collins Spencer, Attorney at LawSince about half of all marriages end in divorce, more if it is a second or third marriage, it is advisable to consider what a prenuptial or premarital agreement might provide. Florida is not a community property state. A division of property is supposed to be “fair and equitable”, but it does not necessarily have […]
Determining Parent Visitation Outside the Courtroom
/by Crystal Collins Spencer, Attorney at LawIn the case of divorcing spouses with a child or children, the children’s best interest should always prevail. That is the stated goal under Florida law, and ideally, the parents work together to develop a plan in the best interest of their children. With a parenting plan, the judge does not have to intervene to […]
How Divorce Affects Your Student Loan Debt
/by Crystal Collins Spencer, Attorney at LawLife may feel overwhelming when you are going through a divorce. But no matter what emotions are involved, make financial considerations a top priority. If you have a student loan, or you and your spouse both have student loans, you need to understand what will happen when you divorce. That, in part, depends on where […]
The Difference Between Legal Separation and Divorce
/by Crystal Collins Spencer, Attorney at LawYou married your spouse, intending to be together for life. But then life happens. Almost half of all marriages in the U.S. end in divorce. For second or third marriages, the rates go up, 60 and 73 percent, respectively. While some states require a formal separation before filing for divorce, Florida has no statute on […]
Advice for Stay-At-Home Moms During a Divorce
/by Crystal Collins Spencer, Attorney at LawUnfortunately, some marriages become untenable and divorce is the only alternative. This can be a frightening time especially if the woman has decided to be a stay-at-home mom to put quality time into raising the children. This is when she needs to understand the family finances. How many credit cards does the family have and […]
What Happens to Your Retirement Account During a Florida Divorce?
/by Crystal Collins Spencer, Attorney at LawYou’ve made the tough decision to end a Florida marriage. Now comes another harsh reality. You might not be in as good a financial standing as when you were married. Consider the assets you’ve accumulated during the marriage – a house, property, boats, cars, jewelry, clothes, a bank account or two. All assets are expected […]
Is a Personal injury Settlement Part of Marital Property During a Divorce?
/by Crystal Collins Spencer, Attorney at LawIt’s one of the first questions someone involved in a personal injury case has when they are divorcing – will the proceeds have to be divided with my divorcing spouse? It’s a good question and there are a number of answers. In short, it all depends. Crystal Collins Spencer can answer your questions in […]
Divorced Parents: Planning for Family Vacations
/by Crystal Collins Spencer, Attorney at LawThere are a number of different ways that families are adjusting to the realities of divorce these days. You may have read about celebrities who decide they will all vacation together – former spouse, their new partner, wife or husband and their new partner and all of the kids combined into one big happy family […]